taking the stress out of college applications

Let me help you succeed!

My goal is to help students and families find peace of mind throughout an otherwise often stressful process, while empowering the student to gain critical skills in autonomy, decision making, and confidence working toward goals.

Hi, I'm Leah! 

Leah O’Connor has spent 14 years in public education in varying roles as a School Counselor, Director of School Counseling, K-12 District Administrator, and most recently, a Social Emotional Learning & Wellness Director for staff and students. She uses her diverse educational, professional and counseling background to support students and their families throughout the entire undergraduate admissions process. 

-Andrea C.

“Working with Leah was hugely beneficial as we navigated a very overwhelming college process with our daughter. She made an invaluable difference, offered valuable advice and helped our daughter focus her efforts. Her feedback was helpful every step of the way and we are thankful for positive outcomes! “ 


what clients are saying

-Ben C.

"After Covid, our son’s thoughts surrounding next steps for college drastically changed. With a quick lead up to fall deadlines, Leah quickly jumped in and helped our son focus his energies and break down the steps to find and apply to the right schools. Leah is easy to work with and very knowledgeable.”


what clients are saying

-Jessica D.

“Thank you so much for helping me sort out my college applications, get my resume into shape and be so helpful with my essay! The timelines and checklists helped me know what to do each week and I’m so excited that I got into my top school.” 


what clients are saying